Flexible goods delivery across Europe within 24 hours. Select your destination and we set off. Why to waste time?
Is your production delayed because of one missing component 2000km away? We deliver it by air and in a few hours, you can start producing again. In similar way we save you from fines and goods shortage around the world.
Order air transportWe maximize our efficiency. Plane will be loaded only with your goods at the nearest airport. We guarantee it will pass through our hands only, from loading to unloading.
Have you stopped production because you forgot to send a couple of components? Let’s use our express courier. You give them the parcel, they deliver it to the final destination by air and give it to its recipient.
We only need to know delivery date and the amount of goods to transport it by air to all the countries of the world. Even to the USA or China.
From loading through transhipping up to unloading of goods. Our specially trained staff will ensure your parcel is delivered on time without any complications. We really care for quality and your satisfaction.
Feel free to contact us at +421 56/333 79 83 Or by e-mail office@aldona.sk